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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Best of the Bunch: February 2017

February is a short month but my reader was definitely not short on great posts. Grab your favorite beverage and dive in.

Even though Ross and Rachel got all the hype. Karen explained why Chandler and Monica were the best relationship on "Friends." I tend to agree with her. I'd even put Mike and Phoebe above Ross and Rachel if we were ranking "Friends" couples. As you know, Karen's also my go-to girl for movie information. I don't see many films, but I enjoyed her list of her top 10 favorites from 2016.

Now that Sean and I are "shacked up" and saving for a house and a wedding, we're constantly looking for ways to trim our budget and manage our finances. Lauren had a great post on managing money once you've moved in together.

I confess -- I get a little judgemental when I see a child screaming and stomping in public. I'm not a parent. I've never even had to care for a small being for longer than a few hours. So I haven't had to deal with them firsthand. Now that some of my closest friends are parents, I have a slightly better understanding of child behavior. Sarah shares her thoughts and feelings on toddler meltdowns as well as some advice for people like me.

Immigration is a hot topic these days (especially with the ongoing discussion about the controversial travel ban). It doesn't affect me explicitly, but I like to think I'm empathetic enough to care about things that don't impact my life directly. So I loved Nadine's post about her husband and how the immigration rhetoric affects her family.

Chris has decided to write a letter to his daughter each year on her birthday. She recently celebrated her second trip around the sun, and he commemorated it by telling her how he sees her at this age. I love this idea, and I just know Cami will treasure these words when she's older.

Juliette makes a compelling argument about happiness and how we find it.

Stephanie listed some examples that illustrate how common sense is not so common anymore. I run into a lot of these things on a regular (sometimes weekly) basis. It can be so frustrating. Mostly because they seem like such simple things.

All over my social media feeds, I see cries for people to stop being political or people apologizing for getting political. Steph not-so-gently reminds us that it's not about being political, it's about being a decent human.

Happy reading!


  1. Thanks for including me, and thanks for the great links - really good stuff out there right now.

  2. I'm SO behind on reading (what else is new??), but thank you so much for including me in your round up! I'm also really excited to read some of these other posts, too!


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