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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Stuff & Things 2/2

:: I passed my final Associate in Claims exam last Friday. This means I can put "AIC" behind my name in my work email signature. I studied pretty intensely for the final exam of the series and I didn't feel very confident going in, but I survived and now I can take a break before working on another designation.

:: Between Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon, Sean and I changed our wedding date three times. After proudly putting down our deposit (which was more than we had anticipated because I didn't read things correctly), we found out our musician wasn't available on that day. So we tried the Friday right before that. But then we ran into issues with our venue space and timing. So we moved the date once more to two weeks earlier. It was a roller coaster, and I'm glad at least the date, venue, and entertainment are settled. Now to put the rest of the pieces together ...

:: I have mixed feelings about all the people saying, "Facebook is too political now. We should make it fun again." Then they post some quiz or fun meme. Yes, the political posts are heavy and numerous. But the posts (at least the ones on my feed) are about issues that affect real people, either now or in the future. I don't want people to be silent about their concerns. I think we can find a decent balance between the fun and informative on social media.

:: I am considering starting a series of posts about things Sean says. Kind of like Steph's. Because sometimes he's really funny. Just last night, he said, "you know I like to stay up to date on all things retro." Um, what?

:: This week has been super stressful (see item number two, which was only about half the drama of the week). Tomorrow night, we are going out to see one of my favorite musicians. He might also be playing our wedding. Heh. Any guesses? Here's a hint:

What's up with you this week?


  1. Congrats on passing your exams.
    I found you via the link-up and will follow your blog and social media. Looking forward to interacting with you.

  2. Congrats on passing your exams and congrats on picking a wedding date. If you don't mind me asking, is it this year? My cousin got engaged on Christmas Day and wanted May which was just too darn close and finally decided on November.

    Stopping by from the linkup?

  3. Ahh I'm sure it was stressful trying to work out your wedding date, but I'm glad you found one that would work with all of the vendors in the end! Congrats on passing your exam!

  4. I'm glad you have some big things settled for the wedding!

    I actively hate when people complain about anything being too political. We're talking about people's lives. It's important. If someone wants to discuss them on their own channels, they should. If they don't, they shouldn't.

  5. Nailing down the venue is the hardest part. Once that's done, you can focus on fun stuff.
    I actually don't mind reading the political posts. The people who consistently post silly (funny to them) things on FB bug me more.

  6. Congrats on passing the exam! that's awesome!

    I'm glad things are coming together for your wedding. I'm sure I'd be super stressed!

    I don't mind most of the posts on facebook either because they aren't inherently political all the time. It's about basic human rights, etc. I use Tumblr for more "funny" things most of the time anyway.


  7. I'm glad you were able to get things coordinated and arranged for your venue and musician! Wedding planning can certainly be stressful, so I'm glad that you can move onto the next phases!


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