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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Stuff & Things 3/2

:: As I mentioned last week, we bought a house! It was a much faster process than I expected. We looked at the place on Feb. 5. One day later, our offer was accepted. The inspection was done on Feb. 14. We submitted tons of paperwork. Purchased home insurance. And the other day, we found out we received final approval and can close next week. Whew!!  There's a lot to do in the next few weeks, but I'm so ready to get into our new place. (Here are a few photos of our place from the realtor's web site.)

:: Sean and I have had a lot of things in the fire the last month or so. We keep wondering when we'll get to have a boring, dull week. I suppose it'll happen when it happens. In the meantime, we're both sleeping pretty well, exhausted at the end of each day.

:: Spring training baseball has been filling my ears and social media feeds the last week or so. That makes me super excited!! A new season is always thrilling.

:: During my workout yesterday, I got a little lightheaded. Well, it started out as a little, but I tried to power through. Then the room started spinning. And I felt nauseous. I decided to just sit and try and get my bearings for the last five minutes. I felt better with some food and water (so I'm guessing it was a blood sugar issue). It wasn't fun though.

:: I don't observe lent, but this year I'm thinking about participating in some way. Most people give something up. I, however, am thinking about adding something to my day. Five to ten minutes of meditation. I think it'll be a good exercise to stick with and I know there are some apps out there to help me. Are you giving up anything?

What's up with you?


  1. Congratulations on becoming a homeowner! Your place looks so cute.

  2. Congrats on the home. Looks nice.


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