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Thursday, December 6, 2018

This & That 12/6

:: I am proud to say I completed most of my Christmas shopping before December even hit. My parents do not want any gifts (instead, we plan to take them out to a nice dinner), and everyone else on my list was easy (brother, brothers-in-law, parents-in-law). The only person I have not yet shopped for is my husband. I have plenty of ideas, but we set price limits on gifts, and I want to make sure I make the most of my limits.

:: Speaking of my husband, last Saturday, he went to one of the three stores in town carrying the Shiner Texas Cold Front pack and brought it home for me. He's the best. See why I want to get his gift(s) just right?

:: After three years at my day job, I finally feel like I'm finding my tribe there. It's so hard making friends and forming relationships as an adult. Especially when you're as anxious and socially awkward as I am. But I'm finding my people and it's making work a lot more enjoyable.

:: As I predicted, I did not reach 50K words for NaNoWriMo this year. I didn't even make it to 40K. The genre challenged me a lot, and I just didn't have as much time to write as I would have liked. But I won't call the month a failure by any means. Even though I didn't reach my goal and will probably never do anything with the story I wrote, I still spent time creating and writing. And I tried something new. I'm calling that a win, even if it doesn't garner me any badges from the NaNoWriMo web site.

What's on your mind this week?

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand finding great work friends. I am literally transitioning to a new job in a week and am really bummed about leaving my people at my current position :( I love that ecard.


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