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Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK ...

... that I am dreading a five-hour round trip drive on Saturday.
I have a few things to get from the house I used to live in.
It's a super boring drive ... and I made it every weekend for six weeks.
That might be contributing to my dread.  Ugh.


... that I'm kind of addicted to working out right now.
I'm actually sad on days when I can't work out or that I make myself take a break.
I just enjoy being active and sweating.  My whole self feels better.
I suppose there are worse addictions.


... that I can't help but giggle at this photo of Nolan Ryan.
It was taken during yesterday's chilly afternoon game.
One Twitter person said he looks like Yoda, and now I can't unsee it.


... that I haven't had any time to read lately.
One of my goals for the week was to finish a book.
That's probably not going to happen.
Unless I miraculously find a block of time this weekend.


... to be so over blogger drama.
If you're upset with someone, e-mail them privately and deal with it that way.
Don't blast them on your blog, Twitter, etc.
It just makes you look like a jerk.


... that I want to give up on love and romance, and then I hear songs like this.
I truly blame the entertainment and literary world for making me such a hopeless romantic.
If they wouldn't craft such convincing stories and prose, I wouldn't want to find it.


... that I have a lot of TV to catch up on.
Baseball takes center stage for me when it's in season.
I have no plans for Saturday night or most of Sunday, so I'll be okay.
But right now, it feels like a lot to watch.


... that I often forget that I don't know some Twitter/blog people in real life.
They put so much out there that I sometimes feel like they're real friends.
And, I guess, in many cases, they are.
Just because you haven't met someone doesn't mean the connection isn't real.


... that I absolutely subscribe to this:

I have to believe this quote is true.
I'm not saying my life is bad, but I think there are still great moments ahead.


What's OK with you today?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was addicted to exercising! it would make my life so much easier!


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