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Friday, January 30, 2015

Fitness Friday: Monthly check-in

I know the journey to getting in better shape is a slow and steady one.  And little goals along the way will help me reach my overall goal.  So I have fitness benchmarks I want to reach each month -- the first two are static and the third will be alternating.  After this month, I'll also be sharing my progress in terms of pounds/inches lost and one non-scale victory. So, let's see how I did this month.

Sixteen workouts a month. = SUCCESS
I actually only have 15 going into today, but I'm going for a run this afternoon.  I'm determined to, so we'll count it.

BodyPump once a week. = MAJOR FAIL
I did not get to BodyPump at all this month.  Weight training is going to be integral to making the changes I want.  I need to get back into that class.

Move to morning workouts. = SUCCESS
Almost all of my workouts this month were at 6 a.m. This is a necessary change due to my crazy busy schedule.

In February, for that last goal, I will be working on my eating habits.  I think it starts with just paying attention to what I'm eating. So I will track my food each day on my FitBit app.  Sure, I'll be over my calorie goal some days, but as long as I'm tracking and making good choices 80 percent of the time, I will call that a win. That's a B, right?


Pounds lost = Unsure. I forgot to weigh-in this morning since I'm off work and slept later than usual.

Inches lost = Unknown as I didn't measure myself in December.

Non-scale victory = Knee lifts at the gym were a struggle when I first started. I'd usually have to take a break after five.  On Thursday, I was able to do three sets of ten without too much trouble.  It might be time to increase the rep counts.


Last week's workouts
Friday: 2 miles on the treadmill
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 30 minutes of yoga at home
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 30 minutes of sprint/jog intervals on the treadmill
Thursday: 1 mile on the treadmill + circuit workout

I did not intend to have that many days off this week.  I woke up Monday with a searing headache and decided more sleep was a better idea than the gym.  Tuesday morning, I was just super tired and couldn't convince myself to get out the door.  Lame.  I know.  I'll do better next week


  1. Great job! Getting in shape is work. I so envy the fact that you are committed to waking up and working out in the morning. I tried that but slept through my morning workouts so now I am just trying to get them in after work and be happy with it. :)

  2. I love that you're keeping such a close eye on everything and documenting it here. Keep it up, girl!!

  3. I see a LOT of 'success' on this post and that is awesome!! :) Also, I highly encourage you to check out the LiveFit program on It has a good meal plan to follow if you need help getting started. And it's just really good for weight lifting as well!


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