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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My cats are shopping for my birthday ... kinda

So I have a birthday coming up.  Gifts aren't necessary.  Mostly, I just want to spend time with my favorite people and have a good time.  I'll be doing that on the big day, for sure.  But people still always ask what I want for my birthday, and I'll admit, I do like presents.  Who doesn't?  I plan to treat myself to something new, but that seems weird, so I've decided to buy myself something and say it's from my cats.  That's normal, right?

I decided to crowdsource on Twitter last night:

The answers I received were fantastic.

Will obviously thinks my cats are nicer than they are. Those would be amazing gifts. Sadly, Megan and Ari are probably more on the money. Nicole's suggestion sounds amazing though.

I'm still shopping for myself on behalf of my cats.  I may end up emptyhanded, which is usually how things end up for me when I'm intentionally shopping for someone.  I always draw a blank.

Then again, it's Amazon Prime Day, so maybe I'll/they'll be inspired by one of the sale items.

Have you bought yourself a gift? What was it?


  1. I always buy myself birthday gifts! Treat yo'self!

  2. I think it's totally fun for your cats to get you a gift!

  3. Hahaha, those are great answers! I always buy myself a birthday present. Last year it was an iPhone 6 (mine was a 4 that I'd had for like, 4 years) that happened to be on sale- I believe it was $100 w/ a 2 year contract. A few years ago I bought myself a diamond tennis bracelet because my (no ex) bf refused to, and I'd wanted it for a really, really long time. It was also on super sale at Zales.

  4. Very cute! I love how your friends gave such witty responses. Happy early birthday :)

  5. No, but dangit I need to start buying myself birthday gifts... from my imaginary pets!


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