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Friday, December 23, 2016

Putting the gym on hold

As I mentioned yesterday, I've given up manicures and concert tickets in the interest of saving money for a house. I also decided to put my gym membership on hold for a few months, which is saving me $30/month. There were a few things that contributed to this decision.

1) They changed the time of one of my favorite classes. I can still make it, but it's not nearly as convenient. 

2) I realized I was only attending five or six classes a month, and I wasn't going there any other time. I think gym memberships are only a waste of money if you don't use them. And I'm not sure I was using mine wisely.

3) We're coming up on the New Year's Resolution rush. I don't begrudge anyone who decides to up the workouts in the new year, but it does make going to the gym in January and February less appealing.

4) In a few weeks, I'll start another round of the workout program at my office. I'll be working out there five times each week, which means I probably won't have time to go to the gym.

5) I realized I am not taking full advantage of the fitness facilities at my office. The equipment and indoor track are available to me 24/7.  There are multiple classes Monday through Friday. And it's all free.

I've started being better about number four. I've been attending classes at work more regularly, and so far it's been a great decision. I get my workout done during the day. I get to interact with other people in my company. And there's a great variety of classes. I plan to keep the hold on my membership going through March, which will be the end of my office workout program. I want to see how much I miss that place and the classes before I fully cancel.

Have you ever cut your gym membership?
What helped you make the decision?


Last week's workouts
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Monday: Cardio kickboxing

Tuesday: Barre class
Wednesday: 2-mile treadmill run

Thursday: Circuit training

Four workouts isn't too shabby for a busy week leading up to Christmas.


  1. I used to have a gym membership, and I really did like it. It was just Planet Fitness so there weren't any classes, but it wasn't expensive! Then we got some work out equipment for our house last year, and I decided it didn't make sense for me to keep it (even though it wasn't a huge expense) if I had the stuff I needed here. I will say it was pretty much a mistake because we hardly ever use our stuff. And now, I'm lucky if I do my 10 minute Pilates workout. Haha But I think that with the opportunities you have at your office, it might be totally worth letting your gym membership go!

  2. Definitely good reasons to put a membership on hold. January at the gym is enough to not make you want to go to the gym anyway. And it probably feels great to have a plan as you move into the new year!


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