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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

WLJ: My first yoga class ... and more

My fitness center was between eight-week sessions last week, so regular group classes were on a one-week hiatus.

This meant no kettlebell and no Zumba.

Sad face.

Fortunately, this left the week open for them to offer a few different (and free!) classes.

Happy face.

Tuesday night was boot camp. Three trainers worked with our group of thirty,  After the warm-up, we split into two groups. My group stayed in the big workout room and did some step exercises with and without weights. After fifteen minutes, the other trainer came to get us. We did five rounds of stairs, planks, work with a resistance band and some free weight exercises.  At the end, we did a nice cool down.  All in all, it was a great workout.

Thursday night was yogafit. I'd been wanting to try yoga for a long time.  My Wii Fit has a yoga section and I tried a DVD (but didn't care for it).  I was anxious to see if a class would be better.  It was.  Our instructor was awesome and encouraging, which was good because I knew yoga would be a challenge for me.  Number one, my balance sucks.  Number two, I still need to work on my upper body strength.  Those two things do not make for great yoga form.  But I made it through the hour-long class.  It was amazing.  I wish the class was offered at a different time in the week. It's currently scheduled for 8:15 a.m. on Saturday mornings.  I usually do Zumba at 9:30.  I'd have to give up my Saturday Zumba to go to yogafit.  But I could still do Zumba on M-W-F, so it's definitely an option I'm considering.

I'm still having a hard time figuring out the perfect pre-workout snack -- food and timing.  After Thursday's workout, I was lightheaded, dizzy and nauseated.  I'm surprised I made it down the stairs to the locker room, and even more surprised I didn't throw up.  I emailed a trainer-blogger I follow (Monica at RunEatRepeat) about what happened. She thinks the culprit was either the yogurt I ate in the afternoon (apparently some people can't eat dairy before a workout, and I may be one of them) or the copious amounts of water I drank that day (I probably had 80 oz. before the workout...might be too much).  I changed my snack to a protein bar and monitored my water before Zumba yesterday, and I felt fine.  I'll keep working on that.

Anyone have a favorite go-to pre-workout snack?  Or any other advice on my situation?

Weight-loss goal: 40 lbs.
This week's progress: -0.6 lbs.
Progress to date: -21.2 lbs.
Non-scale victory: On Saturday, I put on a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear in three years.  And zipped them up without any struggle.  Amazing feeling.

By the way, don't forget to enter my giveaway
You have just a few more days to get in!

Blogger's Biggest Loser


  1. Peanut butter! It's my go-to pre- and post- workout snack. On some toast or Wasa crackers. I've also heard of chocolate milk is great for after a workout, but I've never tried it.

  2. I love Pure Protein bars. They have 20g of protein and if you can find the Revolution bar, it tastes kind of like a snickers bar. After a workout if I am not eating a full meal soon, I like to have a banana with a little bit of peanut butter. This is a hold over from when I trained for the half marathon and Team in Training always had bananas and peanut butter for us after our long runs in the Texas heat. You almost have me talked into trying a yoga class. :)


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