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Friday, November 16, 2012

My "list"

A few weeks ago, I was taking in a Fred Hoiberg Iowa State basketball game with my friend, Alicia. We got to talking about guys (naturally), and she told me about a party she was at recently where they each shared their "lists."

Not sure what a "list" is?  Let the cast of "Friends" explain. According to them, it's a list of five freebies -- celebrities you could have sex with (if given the opportunity) and your significant other could not get angry.  (I really tend to view it as a celebrity crush list though.) I'm not married or in a relationship, but I like making lists.  And I like celebrity eye candy.

So ... without further ado, here's my "list":

Jake Gyllenhaal
I have been drooling over him since "Donnie Darko."  
I know.  It's a really strange role in which to discover someone's sexiness.  
But what can I say?  He does it for me.  
Even with all the weird off-beat roles he chooses, I still love me some Jake.  
His interviews are the best.  He's so quirky and kind of dorky.  
But I like it.


Zach Gilford
Yes, Matt Saracen from "Friday Night Lights."  
I haven't cared for some of his projects since then, but I'm still completely smitten with him.  
Also, he was completely robbed of an Emmy for his performance in his last full season of "FNL."


Kellan Lutz
Edward and Jacob are creepy. Team Emmett all the way.  
His character is funny, strong and just plain awesome.  
I've seen him do a few interviews and it seems he's pretty much like that in real life.  
And, much like Jake, he's a little quirky and out there.  
That's my type, I guess.


Ryan Gosling
This is one I still struggle with.  
Because I've been watching him on TV since we were both 12.  
Sometimes I still see that little boy.  
But then I see him in things like "The Notebook," "Crazy Sexy Love" and "Drive."
The little boy is gone.  
So far gone.


Seth Meyers
Funny is sexy.  
Enough said.


And now I'm weirded out by all the blue eyes pictured above.  
I could swear I like guys with darker eyes.  

Who would be on your "list"?


  1. I totally agree with Ryan Gosling and Zach Gilford! I'm more Team Jasper myself so I suppose I would pick Jackson Rathbone! ;)

    My list would probably consist of:
    Craig Gentry (duh)
    Taylor Kinney.
    Jay Ryan
    Ryan Gosling
    Ryan Sypek (I've been watching Wildfire reruns on Netflix, I've just discovered him.) ;)

    I also have a list of guys I would totally go Mrs. Robinson on. I'll email that to you!


  2. Ha! This list would totally be the exact same as my friend Amy would do. I mean, seriously, exactly. I don't know who all I'd have, but I'd trade out Matt Seracen for Tim Riggins for sure! :)



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