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Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's OK Thursday

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK ...

... to stay up until 2 a.m. finishing a book.
I tried to put it down so I could go to bed.
But I couldn't.  I had to find out how it ended.
By the way, the book was "Hopeless" by Colleen Hoover.
I'll be sharing reviews of books more regularly this year.

... that I may have undershot my reading goal for 2013.
I set it at 35 books with at least five non-fiction selections.
I've already read two books -- one fiction and one non-fiction.
I know I'll slow down when baseball starts.
But I still think I'll reach my goal with plenty of year left.

... to hide friends on my Facebook newsfeed for being too negative and judgmental.
I'm not saying everyone should be sunshine and rainbows in their updates.
But repeated "woe is me" and "can you believe that person" statements bother me.
I just don't have room in my life for that kind of toxic behavior.
And I do believe putting out positive energy will bring positive things.

... to be in three different fitness/life changes challenges.
I am determined not to slack on my good habits just because life has changed.
I need all the motivation I can get when it comes to staying on the right track.
Somehow, being in these groups helps me feel more accountable.
I also have a fitness buddy via text.  We check in almost daily.

... to watch "Friends" re-runs almost every night on Nick at Nite.
I own a few of the "Friends" seasons, yet I can't resist watching when it's on TV.
No matter how many times I've seen an episode, I still laugh.
And I adore the characters (especially Chandler).
I don't think I'll ever get bored of it.

... that doing my Zumba for Wii game really makes me miss my Zumba class.
The game is great and a really good workout, but classes are better.
I miss my instructor and the other ladies in my class.
But I know I can't afford the classes right now.
So I'll make the best of it.

... that I already hate my self-imposed January fitness challenge.
I've always said that the exercise you hate the most is probably the one you need the most.
So I decided to tackle it this month.
Just a few days in, I'm regretting it.
Check back on Saturday to see what it is.

... to be excited that I've almost paid off two major bills.
Even in unemployment, I've kept making a dent in two of my big debts.
I hate bills, but it makes me feel good and grown-up to pay things off.
I might throw a party when I finally pay off my student loans (a few years away).
Who wants to come?  Ha ha.

... to put up some barriers with people to protect myself.
I have a hard time cutting people out of my life completely.
But I know I need to guard my heart a little closer this year.
That means I'm pulling back a little from some people I let get too close.
I just can't afford that kind of hurt again.

... to use my Maybooks planner to plot my meals for the week.
I've found that I make bad decisions if mealtime arrives and I have nothing planned.
If I have a blueprint for what I'm eating, I'm better at staying on track.
Planning ahead also helps me try new things and shop wisely in the grocery store.
So far, it's working out well for me.

What's OK with you this week?


  1. I watched Friends religiously from age 10 (yes) to age 18. I've been watching it on Nick at Nite too. There will never be another!

  2. I am glad you'll be doing more book reviews this year - that's something I want to do more of too although I mostly read YA. I need recommendations for good for-grown-ups books!

    I also want to try that Zumba Wii game!

    I nominated you for a Liebster blog award, although I kind of feel like you've gotten one before. I couldn't remember and you're my fave.

  3. Friends is the best. Hands down. Have you looked up Zumba routines on Youtube? It's not the same as being in class, but some of the instructors are pretty good. I haven't ever done a Zumba DVD or on the Wii so I don't know how it compares. I use it when I am planning for my middle schoolers Zumba class they suck me into teaching.

  4. I meant to post this in your previous blog, but I was reading it at work and couldn't log-in...I recommend "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin as a non-fiction book to everyone. I'm treating myself to that and her sequel "Happiness at Home" after our 100 Day Challenge. Both life-changing and totally inspiring books.


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