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Friday, November 29, 2013

November's health & fitness score card

I can't believe November is over already.  Let me just go ahead and say I think I took on too much. Between NaNoWriMo, half-marathon training, social events, and changing jobs ... I felt like I was constantly on the go.  And I didn't feel like I was giving anything 100 percent.  I won't complete NaNoWriMo (I'm barely halfway to the 50K words goal), and while I'm mostly on track with my running, I haven't stuck to it as well as I should.  I over-committed. And now I need to sort out how to proceed. I want to do it all, but I need to not try and do it all at once.


Let's see how I did on my November health and fitness goals!

::  Go to bed by ten on weeknights. --> B
There were a few nights I got caught up writing or doing laundry and didn't get to bed quite as early as I would have liked.

::  Do yoga once a week. -->  C
I only did this a few times. And I don't have a good excuse.

:: Go low carb five days a week. --> B
This wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. I was really good for a few weeks, but toward the end of the month, I kind of slipped. 

:: Complete the plank challenge. --> C
I kept forgetting to do this. I would go a week between attempts. Do not try to go from 30 seconds to 90 seconds. You will fail.

:: Eat a fruit or vegetable with every meal. --> A
This was just as easy as I thought it'd be.  


Now for December's goals.  

:: Defeat the dreadmill.
My treadmill runs have been terrible, and they're going to get more frequent with winter setting in. I need to find a way to beat the boredom.  Anyone have some advice?

:: Get back to BodyPump on a regular basis.
This should be easy with my new work schedule and location. I'm excited.

:: Try at least five new recipes.
I am getting into a food rut.  If I don't dig out soon, I will start making bad choices. Feel free to send me your favorites!

:: Track food and activity.
I have abandoned MyFitnessPal. It really just didn't work for me. But I still need to keep track of what I'm consuming and expending. I'm trying a cheap version of WeightWatchers. I'll let you know how it goes.

:: Have at least one total rest day each week.
Running and BodyPump are going to make for very active weeks. But my body needs at least one complete rest day in there somewhere.


What are your goals for the month ahead?

1 comment:

  1. I take my phone and watch shows on netflix during long cardio sessions. I find it keeps me distracted better than music.


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