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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What I'm looking forward to

February is said to be one of the most depressing months of the year. I believe it.  I have a lot of friends with the winter blues.  I've been able to fight them off pretty well, but I admit they've crept up on me a few times as well.

Mother Nature certainly isn't helping.  She's been teasing us with 50-degree temps the last few days, but rumor has it she's ready to dump eight inches of snow on us tomorrow.  Ugh.  Come on!!!

At least February is almost over.  I'm so excited for spring to get here because I have a lot to look forward to.  I've decided these are the things I'm going to focus on while I wait out Mother Nature's temper tantrum.


My Texas Rangers reported to spring training this week. I'm so ready for a brand new season.
I may or may not have taken Opening Day off of work.


Boudoir shoot
That's right, I'm doing a boudoir photo shoot with the friend who took that shot above.
I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.
Anyone done one? Have some advice?


Selling my house
I'm really hoping to sell it to my renters, but until I know, I'm stressed and worried. 
I can't wait to only be paying for one residence instead of two.


Wedding stuff
I'm the maid of honor in the wedding of one of my closest friends.
Her big day is just three months away, so I'm currently busy planning the bachelorette party.


Running outside
 I love my fitness classes, but I'm so ready to hit the trails.
Greta the Garmin has only been used a few times, and I think she's feeling neglected.


What are you looking forward to?


  1. I am sooo ready for baseball! Good luck with your house and all that wedding stuff. Being MOH is so fun, but stressful too!

  2. eek you're really going to do a shoot? cool!! I'm happy to prance around in my underwear (I have no shame, sometimes it's a problem) but I am not a model at all, I feel like my faces and poses would look so stupid.

  3. I did a boudoir shoot and absolutely loved the photos! It was is seriously something I will treasure forever

  4. 1) YAY RANGERS. 2) I've totally done a boudoir shoot, and it made me feel super hot and incredibly empowered. Do it! 3) I'm also ready for the random snow-maggedon days to end. I need sunshine. Stat.

  5. and I am so ready to look for a new job :(

  6. Awesome stuff to look forward to! Baseball--YES! And weddings are always fun. And running outside is a HUGE plus...can't wait for that to happen soon!


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