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Friday, February 27, 2015

Monthly check-in + virtual 5K recap

I know the journey to getting in better shape is a slow and steady one.  And little goals along the way will help me reach my overall goal.  So I have fitness benchmarks I want to reach each month -- the first two are static and the third will be alternating.  After this month, I'll also be sharing my progress in terms of pounds/inches lost and one non-scale victory. So, let's see how I did this month.

Sixteen workouts a month. = FAIL
I only got twelve official workouts (though there were other days with 10K steps). 

BodyPump once a week. = FAIL
I still haven't gotten back to BodyPump.

Track my food each day on my FitBit app. = FAIL
I was good for about three days and then quit.  I will keep this goal for March.  And until I get it right.

Zero out of three is a hard fail. I need to get to work in March.


Pounds lost = Unsure. I was so focused on getting to the gym this morning that I forgot to step on the scale.

Inches lost = Unknown. I did measure myself in January, but forgot this morning because of the same reason listed above.

Non-scale victory = I completed one race (albeit a Virtual 5K) and am officially registered for three more races this year. And I'm just waiting on another to be open.


My virtual 5K went pretty well though!

Check it out:

I'm pretty happy with that time.  Especially because I did it on a Tuesday afternoon, between work and a meeting.  I probably could have pushed myself more, and I need to start doing that more often.  Pushing myself, that is.

Thanks to the US Road Running - Get Out & Run Program for helping me get a race under my belt for this year.


Last week's workouts
Friday: Zumba party!! (90 minutes)
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Monday: 1 mile on the treadmill + circuit training
Tuesday: 30 minutes of yoga at home
Wednesday: 15 minutes on the treadmill + circuit training
Thursday: Off.

I still have not gotten to BodyPump.  And I took more days off than I intended.  The winter blues are killing my motivation.


  1. Congrats on the awesome 5K time!!! That's really a great time and you SHOULD be proud of it :) But listen...12 workouts in the month is still 12 don't be so hard on yourself for not reaching your goal of 16. You are still awesome and are working hard to reach your goals!!

  2. Ok, those three were not fails. They may not have been 100% complete but it was a 0% either. Give yourself some credit! I need to get some motivation and get back into working out too. Do you workout with a partner? Because that motivates me a lot, too!

  3. Progress is not failing! I agree with the above, give yourself some credit!

  4. I went to Bodypump and Bodyflow and the spin one several times last winter. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. I think I, like you, enjoy the structure of someone telling me what to do.
    And yeah, give yourself some credit and enjoy the journey! I think if you incorporate strength training on a weekly basis that might help? (that is my noncertified opinion).

  5. I use MyFitnessPal to track my food. I gave up once, and then got back to it. It's so much healthier to make your own food, but it's a pain to track the calories in the app! After putting in some time and effort to figure out calories for meals I make, it is easier...especially for meals I make a lot!

  6. February was a bit of a bust for me as well. I'm blaming it on the really cold temps we had here.

    Great job on the 5k!


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