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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Weekly Reads, Vol. 33

Three weeks from today, I'm supposed to do a 70-mile bike ride with a group of people from my work. There will be lots of stops along the way for beer and bacon treats (bacon is the theme of the ride), so it should be fun. 

But ... I haven't been on my bike since last summer. 

So as soon as I hit publish on this post, I'm taking Lucy (my bike) out on the trails for a little while.  We'll see how it goes.

After that, I'm going to bottle the double IPA I made with friends in April. It's finally done fermenting! A month later. When it was only supposed to ferment for a week.  We tasted it last night, and it's actually pretty good.

And, of course, I'm working at the brewery tonight.  That's kind of a given these days, right?

So, while I'm out on my busy Saturday, here are a few posts for you to read.

My friend, Meg, at Miles from Ordinary is currently navigating the dating world.  Her latest post talks about the lessons she's learned. The last paragraph is the best ... and the thing we should all remember.

Taylor at The Daily Tay shared her thoughts on the recent Hollywood Reporter cover featuring six female comedians Her take on it was spot-on.  Yay for the hyper girls!

Lately, I've lost a lot of motivation for my workouts. Kelly at Knowing Kelly provided some great reminders of all the benefits of exercising. I feel like I should print these out and hang it up.

Brownies are my favorite, but when I make a pan ... I'll eat the whole pan.  So I really liked this brownies for two idea from Amber at Bluebonnet Baker.


  1. Thanks for the feature :) :) Good luck on your bike ride! Earlier this month I was on a bike for the first time in over a year... I didn't go very far but my butt totally hurt for a while afterwards. Hopefully you have a comfortable seat ;) Hope your ride today went well!

  2. That's for including me in your round-up this week!

    Have fun on your bike ride! I need to get mine tuned up so I can hit the trails with it this summer.

  3. You had me at bike. Skye and I need down time together if the land ever dries out! I hope your ride was great. :)


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