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Monday, June 1, 2015

Music Monday: Tyler Hilton - "Pink and Black"

When I just had a baby iPod (an 8GB nano), I had to be selective about what songs and artists I had on there. It was like choosing one food to eat the rest of your life.  Seriously, don't ask me to do that.  Ever.  For Christmas, my parents gave me a 32GB touch, and even with my entire catalog on there, it's not even half full.  And suddenly, I'm hearing old favorites that I haven't listened to in years.  I love when old music becomes new music again.

Like Tyler Hilton. His debut album takes me back to the early 2000s when I saw him play a little show with Tony Lucca and Joe Firstman.  Curtis Peoples was his guitar tech.  This was before he appeared as Chris Keller on "One Tree Hill."  I still have mixed feelings about that decision, by the way.  Sure, it was good for him, but his character was mean and he ended up cancelling a show I was supposed to attend for filming.  Grr.

But anyway.  I still follow what Tyler does, and I've enjoyed everything he's released, but this one still holds good memories for me.

1 comment:

  1. I found Tyler Hilton because of One Tree Hill and always loved to hate his character Chris Keller. But I fell in love with his music and went out immediately to buy his cd and have supported him since. It's a shame he never got bigger.


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