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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Weekly Reads, Vol. 49

Pumpkin tends to be the main star in fall drinks, but I'm more fond of apples. Iowa Girl Eats shared a recipe for sparkling hard apple cider sangria. I'm looking forward to making it with a friend this week and enjoying it while we hand out goodies to trick-or-treaters.

As you might know, I'm a three-time self-published author. I have finished one project since my last published work (three years ago), but it's still in editing stages.  I'm signed up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year, and I'm hoping this writing community Helene started will help me throughout the month and beyond.
I love pop culture and celebrity news as much as anyone. But Kati Rose makes a fine point about how we over-sensationalize celebrity news. She uses the Lamar Odom case as her main example, and I could not agree more with her take on it.

We share so much of our lives and feelings online that we open ourselves up to judgment.  And the internet is a cruel place.  Sure, there are facebook posts and tweets that make me roll my eyes, but in the end, how someone uses their social media is their business. If I don't like what they have to say, I can just scroll past and/or hide. There's no need to shame someone for what they like or do. Angie sums this up perfectly in a post about rethinking our responses.

Bonnie absolutely encapsulated everything I dislike about dating. That's why I'm taking a break again from that world. I have other things to focus on.

Happy Saturday everyone!

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