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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly Reads, Vol. 68

Happy Easter!  I'm going to spend the day with my parents and brother. We aren't really religious, so we typically treat the holiday as family time. I'm also too old for Easter baskets and egg hunts, unfortunately. Which is kind of sad.

Moving on. This past week was a little up and down. Or rather down and up. Some changes came down the pike at work, and while they make sense logically, they don't feel good. And, as you might know, I'm ruled by feelngs, not logic.  I'm also working hard on finalizing edits and pre-production stuff for self-publishing my next book. I'm about a month behind where I'd like to be on it and I'm pretty sure I'm driving all the people around me crazy (especially my cover photographer), but I'm making progress. And I'm mostly feeling good about it. I won't feel really good until the book is done and up for sale.

Anyway, I have some good blog post reads for you again this week. Please click on them and enjoy!

Joey wrote about faking it. No, not that kind. Or even that kind. Instead, she's talking about how when you start something new, there's a period of time where you feel like a fraud. It struck a chord with me. Even though I've been running for five years, and I'm about to self-publish my fourth novel, I still feel like a poser when I describe myself as a runner or a writer.

Angie has a great list of all the things you learn when you live alone. I've lived solo for the better part of the past 13 years. I had a roommate for about six months in this span, and there was one month when I was basically couch surfing, but otherwise, it's just been me and my cats. I love it, and I've learned a lot in that time.

I always enjoy reading Helene's social media tips, and this week she tackled the unwritten rules of Snapchat. I haven't yet ventured into Snapchat, but I read through the post anyway. I think she makes some solid points about the platform. Maybe someday I'll check it out.

I've lived a lot of places in my life. All of them were important stops, but some left more lasting impressions than others. Using Lex's list, it's much easier to distinguish which places were my home and which were just somewhere I lived.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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