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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stuff & Things 10/13

:: I'm going to a concert 45 minutes away tonight. It starts at 8 p.m. Even though I'm very excited to see the musician, I am starting to think I'm too old for late weeknight concerts.

:: Last night I got to attend a special event for the Iowa Wild called Rookie Camp. It's for new season ticket holders (even partial packages like mine). We got to go on the ice with a few of the players, check out the control room and press row, tour the locker rooms, and have Q and A time with a coach. It was a really cool evening, and I'm even more excited for Friday night's opener.

:: The other day, while I was getting my shellac manicure removed, I saw a lady next to me getting her nails dipped in some weird powder. I did some research and learned more about this organic powder nail polish that's supposed to last two months and be better for your nails. Has anyone tried it?

:: I'm taking another certification test for work next week, so blogging will be taking a backseat.

What's up with you this week?


  1. Powder polish sounds interesting! You'll have to let us know if you try it :) I feel you on the staying out late thing - I can barely stay awake through a nighttime TV show these days. Ha!
    Your blog is precious. Came over from the Stuff & Things link up.

  2. Powder polish...hmmm...
    Hockey is back - enjoy the season!
    And yes, I wanted to see a show about an hour away but on a Thursday night...not a good idea for me. SO - enjoy the show!


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