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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Weekly Reads, Vol. 88

I'm thinking about changing the name of this fixture in the near future. I really like doing it because I enjoy sharing posts by other bloggers, but sometimes life gets away from me and I can't make it weekly. Perhaps it could become a twice-monthly thing. Or even just once a month.  Thoughts?

Yesterday was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. I know quite a few women who have gone through this. Chances are you do too ... and you may not even know it. It's not something that's talked about often enough and those who experience it end up feeling isolated as a result. I'm really glad Jana shared her story with pregnancy loss and also offered advice to herself (and maybe others) on how to keep going.

I have a lot of thoughts on recent events involving Donald Trump and things he's said. I've been hesitant to share them here because I tend not to get too political in this space. But my feelings about what he's said are not about politics. They're about humanity. Steph is never afraid to share her thoughts, and in this case (and many others) she says exactly what I'm thinking.

Jennifer learned a lot from Amy Schumer's book, but not just about the actress, also about herself. I haven't been super interested in picking up the book, but now I might have to add it to my pile.

Happy Sunday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I think if you do it once a month, that's fine. Whatever works best for you.

    Thanks for including me again!


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