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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Show Us Your Books: 2016 favorites

Life According to Steph

I'm going to be cutting it close with my GoodReads reading challenge goal for this year. I just didn't spend as much time reading as I thought I would. Then again, I also had a few Harry Potter books in there, and those can be kind of time consuming.  I also published a book and worked on two subsequent books. And started a new relationship. And worked three jobs for most of the year. So I think I get a little leeway on my reading goal failure.

Here were a few of my favorites from the past year:

The Mothers
by Brit Bennett
This book had almost no happy moments. There were no warm feelings. But it was an incredible story that made me think about some things I might not have otherwise pondered. I can't wait to hear Jana and Steph discuss this on the Armchair Librarians podcast.

The Girl Before
by Rena Olsen
Yes, Rena is my friend and also my favorite writing date partner. But this book is seriously very good. I thought about this story for weeks after I finished it. I just had so many questions and feelings and thoughts. Months later, I still don't know how exactly I feel about the main characters -- Do I like them? Do I hate them? Do I feel sorry for them? Do I blame them?

These Hidden Things
by Heather Gudenkauf
This book takes the lives of four seemingly separate women and eventually shows you how they weave together. Honestly, I figured some of it out pretty easily, but there were still a few revelations that caught me off guard. Ultimately, it made me think a lot about the choices we make and the impact they can have in the long-term.

You Are a Badass
by Jen Sincero
It took me most of the year to dig through this one. Not because it was a bad read but because I really wanted and needed to absorb it. There were some really good points and reminders about how to approach your life if you're unhappy about it. I will probably go back to it periodically when I hit a rough spot.


  1. I've read These Things Hidden and The Girl Before and really liked them. The Mothers has been on my to read list and I just put You Are a Badass on hold at the library. Looks like a good non-fiction book to start the year off with!

  2. The Girl Before and These Things Hidden both sound like books I'd love to read! I've heard so many great things about The Mothers, and I can't wait to actually pick it up!

  3. I think I got The Girl Before from you - loved it. MFD is actually reading it now and he's not a big fiction reader.

    I liked the Heather G book I read so I added the one here to my TBR.

    The best thing about reading is that you're not penalized for over reading or under adapts to your life at the time!

  4. The Mothers is on my list. My library doesn't have it, so I'll get to it one way or another.

  5. Everyone is talking about The Mothers- it's definitely on the TBR! You are a Badass seems awesome.

  6. I'm on the hold list for The Mothers and will hopefully have it in January. I've heard so many great things about it. The Girl Before is also already on my TBR and sounds sooooo good! I've been curious about You Are a Badass and it sounds like the type of information/help that I really need to embrace and digest myself. Adding it to the TBR!

  7. I was SO close to putting The Girl Before on my 2016 list (I honestly didn't because I had another book also named The Girl Before on the list and thought that might get confusing), but it was such a good book that stuck with me!

  8. The Mothers is on my list, i keep hearing about it! if everyone else at the library could just hurry up... lol. you are a badass is on my kindle.. has been for quite some time. i'll get to it soon hopefully!

  9. I'm reading The Mothers right now - such wonderful writing. Wow.

  10. I'm curious about You Are a Badass. I love those type of self-help books.


  11. I loved You Are a Badass! Also found The Mothers to be an interesting read. Pam

  12. Sounds like you had a busy year! The Mothers is on my list for next year.

  13. Added These Things Hidden to my list! I'm excited to read The Mothers. I really enjoyed The Girl Before! I had the same complicated feelings about the characters.


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