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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Stuff & Things 2/23

:: A few weeks ago, Sean and I went to see his brother perform with the touring cast of "42nd Street." I knew absolutely nothing about the show going in, but sometimes that's fun. It was a really great show. The dancing was fantastic, and the sets and costumes were perfect. I always enjoy live theatre, but it's even more fun when you know someone on stage. (P.S. They still have some shows left on this run if you're interested in checking them out.)
Sean's parents, Isaac (Sean's brother), Sean and me after the show.

:: I'm trying to get better about meal planning and prepping on Sundays. But it's tough. That's usually my only down day, so I don't necessarily want to do anything productive. But I suppose I need to suck it up if I want to eat healthier and cheaper, huh? Anyone have some easy recipes to share?

:: Last weekend, we cleaned out Sean's apartment. He doesn't have that much stuff, but it was exhausting. I forgot about how stressful packing and moving and cleaning can be.

:: And we get to do more of it in about a month because we bought a house. Or rather we're in the process of buying a house. We looked at about four before finding one we liked that was in our price range. The offer has been made and accepted, the inspection is complete, and now we wait for the loan to finish processing.

What's new with you?


  1. I love live shows, and so cool that you knew someone performing! I always turn to Budget Bytes recipes when looking for cheap and easy. A lot of times i already have most of the ingredients on hand. Congrats on finding a house, and good luck with the rest of the process!

  2. 42nd Street is the first Boradway show I saw in New York City my senior year of high school! Definitely a good one!


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