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Showing posts with label Sunday Sweats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday Sweats. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Third time through Xtreme is a charm

On March 1, I completed my third year of Xtreme Revolution, an eight-week fitness program offered at my workplace. I look forward to it every year, eager to see what our wellness specialists create to challenge us. This year was definitely not a disappointment.

I was a co-captain this year for a team called iLoveMe. The other captain and I took turns sending out motivational and informational emails. But, really, that was my only duty as a co-captain. I tried my best to be encouraging and share my own reasons for participating in Xtreme. It wasn't too much extra work, but there wasn't a lot of feedback from our team, which was discouraging at times. Maybe this is how our wellness specialists feel sometimes. Hmm.

Anyway, I was really pleased with how I did this year. I had perfect attendance again, and my numbers improved in all areas. 

Measurements as of 1/7:
Weight: 164.8
Chest: 40.75
Bicep: 12.25
Waist: 36
Hips: 43
Thigh:  23

Assessment numbers (done in one minute):
Push-ups: 35 (including 10 on my toes)
Wall balls: 25
Jump rope: 106
Burpees: 13

Fast forward eight weeks 

Measurements as of 3/1:
Weight: 156.8
Chest: 39
Bicep: 12
Waist: 34
Hips: 40.5
Thigh: 22

So, I lost 8 pounds and 7.5 inches. I'll take it!

Assessment numbers (done in one minute)
Push-ups: 40 (including 20 on my toes)
Sit-ups: 29
Wall balls: 30
Jump rope: 126
Burpees: 14

I'm particularly proud of the assessment numbers. I was still fighting off a cold, so I expected my performance to be less than stellar. As it turns out, I improved in all categories. I can only imagine how much better I would have done if I was healthy. But ultimately, it shows I got stronger! That's my goal.

I've said it many times, but I am so grateful to have this kind of resource at my office. And it's free!!!


Last week's workouts:
Sunday - Off
Monday - Cardio with Colby
Tuesday - Total Body Circuit + Core
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio
Thursday - Off
Friday - Flex Friday
Saturday - Off

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Sweats: February recap

Number of days I worked out:  20
I'm calling this a huge win, considering a flu/cold hit me hard in the middle of the month. But on the days I couldn't do a full workout, I still walked and did what I could to keep moving.

Miles Ran: 5
Better than last month. By one mile. I still haven't gotten quite back in the swing of running regularly. But I'm working on getting there.

Personal victory: Completing another year of Xtreme with perfect attendance.
I didn't miss a single day of workouts in eight weeks. (I'll have a more thorough recap of this round of Xtreme next Sunday.)


February goals:

- Spend five minutes a day stretching. -- MEH
I did this about 50 percent of the days in February. It really did make a difference -- especially after some of those tough workout days. I need to do this more consistently.

- Incorporate a new vegetable into our rotation. -- MEH
We bought some mixed vegetables. But that was as good as it got. Not great. I will keep trying to change it up.


March goals:

- Run twice a week.
I have some 5Ks coming up, so I better get my legs and lungs back into it.

- Add a fruit or vegetable to my breakfast most days.
I'm really good about having a vegetable or fruit with lunch and dinner, but I kind of ignore those food groups at breakfast. That needs to change.


Last week's workouts:
Sunday - Off
Monday - Ran 1.5 miles during lunch
Tuesday - Strength circuit workout
Wednesday -Walk/run with Sara during lunch + Partner Cardio with Sean after work
Thursday - Barre with Brittany (she brought out some bands that really challenged us!)
Friday - Off ... I wanted to do Flex Friday, but I ended up having to run an errand instead.
Saturday - Off

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Constant challenge

Some people enjoy solo workouts. Some enjoy group fitness classes.

I sit on both sides of that fence. There are benefits to both.

Solo workouts allow me to kind of zone out and recharge a little bit, mentally. Running is the only solo workout I do, and there are days it is just what I need. Fresh air, music in my ears, and my feet pounding the trail. It can help cure a bad day.

Group fitness classes make up the majority of my routine. I enjoy the camaraderie. But honestly, the real reason I love the classes is for the challenge. The classes make me try exercises I wouldn't otherwise even think of. I can go easy on myself when I'm working out alone. But if I'm surrounded by other people, I push myself more. My instructors push me too. Just the other day, I was doing an overhead carry with a 12 lb. dumbbell. My instructor told me I was taking the easy way out. He said, "Grab a kettlebell next time. Challenge yourself." I did as he said and he gave me some applause next time I went by with a 12 KG kettlebell (the internet says that 26.455 lbs). He knew I could do more and he made sure I knew it. I appreciated it -- the vote of confidence and the kick in the butt. Sometimes I need that.


Last week's workouts:
Sunday - Off
Monday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Tuesday - Xtreme Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio EMOM (30 mins)
Thursday - Xtreme 3-line stations (30 mins)
Friday - Xtreme Partner Cardio (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Comparing myself to the wrong people

The Friday before last, we did a workout in class that was really tough. The mini-Murph.
I got through the list twice in 28 minutes (though I did remove one of the running segments, so I only did a mile and a half). I was really proud of myself. I felt strong and accomplished.

Until I talked to other Xtremers and discovered they'd gotten through it three times.

What? How?

My mind immediately went onto a track of comparing myself to those people.

"No matter how much weight I lose, clearly I'm still the fat girl."
"I work out more than they do, but I'm still slower. Why do I keep trying?"
"They had to have cheated. There's no way."

Those were the thoughts that circled, round and round, over and over.

This mental beatdown continued for longer than I want to admit. I began to berate myself for not being better and wondering if I should even continue with the workouts. I mean, what was the point if I was always going to be the slowest?

At some point, I was able to stop these thoughts. I don't really know how. I guess I just slept on it and found a way to remind myself that my fitness journey is different than that of those around me. I formed answers or rebuttals to some of the negative thoughts I had.

Thought three: "They had to have cheated. There's no way."

Rebuttal: If they cheated, then they're the only ones who suffer. They missed out on a complete workout and a chance to challenge themselves. None of my business. Their workout is theirs just as mine is mine.

Thought two: "I work out more than they do, but I'm still slower. Why do I keep trying?"

Answer: I keep trying because I want to get stronger and faster. I want to take good care of my body. Also, working out does wonders for my mental and emotional health. So ... I keep trying for me. I work out for me. Not to be the fastest or strongest in the class. I probably never will be. But that's OK.

Thought one: "No matter how much weight I lose, clearly I'm still the fat girl."

Rebuttal: Neither the number on the scale nor the size of my waist indicate my fitness. I am stronger than I used to be. The only way to measure that is to recognize what I can do now that I couldn't before. I do more burpees than I ever though was possible. Push-ups used to be my nemesis, but now I can do a good number (even some on my toes!). A year ago, I was using fives for most of my arm workouts. Now I'm using eights and tens. I am better than I used to be even if I'm not as good as others.

I know very well that comparison is a losing game. Always has been. Always will be. In various facets of life. Yet it's something I still struggle with. I have to keep reminding myself that I can only work on me. When I start worrying about what others are doing, I'm cheating myself. I need to celebrate the strides I am making and realize that others' achievements shouldn't take away from mine. The only person I should be comparing myself to is my past self.


Last week's workouts:
Sunday - Off
Monday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Tuesday - Xtreme Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio EMOM (30 mins)
Thursday - Xtreme 3-line stations (30 mins)
Friday - Xtreme Partner Cardio (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Sweats: January recap

Number of days I worked out:  21 (including three days of double workouts)I didn't take too many days off during January. Honestly, I enjoy the routine of working out and feel a little off if I don't keep it up five days a week.

Miles Ran:  4
It wasn't a great month for running. I have a hard time wanting to run when my only options are indoors. I'm definitely a fair weather runner.  But I want to be ready for spring before it arrives, so I probably need to step up my game here.

Personal victory: Burpees!
After my bouts of positional vertigo, I went months without doing burpees for fear of another episode. But I've been easing back into it over the past few months and during our Xtreme fitness test, I did 13 in one minute. I'm calling that a win.


February goals:

- Spend five minutes a day stretching.
This is something I'm not good about doing, but I know my body needs it.

- Incorporate a new vegetable into our rotation.
We've been stuck on broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, and corn. We need to branch out.


Last week's workouts:
Sunday - Off
Monday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Tuesday - Independent Fit Fusion (30 mins) + Xtreme Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio EMOM (30 mins)
Thursday - Xtreme 3-line stations
Friday - Xtreme Partner Cardio (Mini-Murph)
Saturday - Off

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Keeping it short and simple

I don't have a lot to say this week. It was a rough one. Between bad weather and some mental/emotional struggles, I just didn't feel great or full of energy at any point. But I powered through my workouts regardless.

Some weeks are going to be like this. Weather happens. Life happens. Bad moods happen. The important thing is that I didn't give up. And I think the workouts actually helped in a lot of ways.


Last week's workouts
Sunday: Off
Monday: There were no classes, so I ran 2.2 miles (It felt amazing to run! If I'd had more time, I could have done three miles easy.)
Tuesday: Dance fitness (30 minutes with a work friend) + Xtreme Total Body Strength
Wednesday: Xtreme Cardio EMOM
Thursday: Xtreme 3-Line Stations
Friday: Xtreme Partner Cardio
Saturday: Off

Victory of the week:  
On Tuesday, I met up with a work friend who used to go to the same dance fitness (FitFusion) classes that I loved. We both gave up our membership to that gym but desperately missed that class. So our former instructor gave us a 30-minute playlist to work from and we got together to see what we remembered. We succeeded at probably 90 percent of it. Not too bad!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Ch-ch-ch-changes

At the end of November 2018, I made several changes which have definitely had an impact on my overall health. Looking in the mirror, I haven't noticed much change. But when I look at these photos, I can see the improvement.

There are only six weeks between these photos. Obviously, the lighting and makeup are different. But there's more too. My face now looks thinner. My eyes seem bigger. I also think my skin looks clearer.

So what contributed to these changes?

Well, it was a combination of things.

1 :: I started tracking food.
I used to do this religiously when I was on Weight Watchers and even after when I simply wanted to count how many calories I was eating. I got away from it though, not liking the restrictions. I recently decided it was time to start watching my food again. Now, I'm not really cutting anything out. I'm simply tracking to make sure my diet is balanced. I'm currently using MyFitnessPal and I like it, but I'm open to other suggestions if anyone has them.

2 :: I started taking a daily multivitamin.
I know, I know. This is like Adulting 101, but I've never claimed to be a good adult. In fact, I'd probably say I'm a terrible one. When it comes to eating, I think I do OK, but I'm probably not getting all the vitamins I need. That's why I chose to do a daily multi. And I found a great deal on some at Costco, so I jumped on it.

3 :: I quit a job I didn't even realize was toxic until I left it.
As much as I love craft beer and enjoyed my beertender job, I am now realizing it wasn't healthy for me. Since leaving that job, I drink far less beer. I wasn't really drinking that much before (maybe 2-3 a week), but now I have less than one a week. The job was also pretty harmful to my mental and emotional health. I carried so much stress and anxiety while I was working there, and I didn't even realize it until after I was gone. I left the job for other reasons, but I'm very grateful it's helped my health.

4 :: I started drinking smart coffee.
I am someone who really doesn't like supplements or health fads. When two of my friends started using and selling Elevate products and subsequently bragging about their results, I was skeptical. So I waited. I waited to see if they would quit after a few months. I waited to see if it went away. I waited to see if they were able to sustain their results. I also researched the product, wanting to know what exactly was in it and if there was anything harmful. I looked for negative reviews online (because if someone hates something, they will not resist the urge to tell the world about it). I couldn't find anything negative. So I asked for a sample, because I'm very picky about how my coffee tastes. I tried two doses and liked it. Eventually, I bought a whole canister and signed up for the smart ship to save money and lock in the old (lower) price. I drink the smart coffee Monday through Friday (and enjoy regular coffee on the weekends), and I actually really enjoy the smart coffee. I don't know how much it's had to do with my weight-loss, but it has definitely helped me with my focus, my moods, and my energy. I love it.


Last week's workouts
Sunday: Off
Monday: Xtreme Cardio Stations
Tuesday: Xtreme Total Body Strength
Wednesday: Xtreme Cardio EMOM
Thursday: Xtreme 3-Line Stations (I went twice)
Friday: Xtreme Partner Cardio
Saturday: Off

Victory of the week:  
Wednesday's workout was really tough. In 10 minutes, we did 50 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 150 squats. We did them in one-minute rounds of 5, 10, and 15, respectively, and there was very little rest involved. But I felt strong through the whole segment.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Revving up with Xtreme

I've completed my first week of Xtreme workouts.

Well ... it wasn't exactly a full week, so I don't know if I should claim to have finished a week. On Monday, we did measurements, picked up our shirts, and had a lunch and learn about nutrition and meal planning.

I love the shirts this year. They're really nice material, and I think the saying on them is fun.

On Tuesday, we did assessments and a bit of a circuit. Wednesday is when the real workouts started. Unsurprisingly, I'm pretty sore. Even though I work out regularly, I always have muscle soreness at the beginning of Xtreme.

I'm a little nervous about sharing my pre-program measurements. However, I think transparency is good, and I guess if people want to judge me, they will regardless.

Measurements as of 1/7:
Weight: 164.8
Chest: 40.75
Bicep: 12.25
Waist: 36
Hips: 43
Thigh:  23

Assessment numbers (done in one minute):
Push-ups: 35 (including 10 on my toes)
Wall balls: 25
Jump rope: 106
Burpees: 13

I'm anxious to see if those numbers move at all at the end of eight weeks.


Last week's workouts
Sunday: Off
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Ran 2 miles + Xtreme Revolution Assessments and Circuit
Wednesday: Xtreme Cardio EMOM
Thursday: Xtreme Stations
Friday: Xtreme Partner Cardio
Saturday: Off

Victory of the week:  I did 13 burpees in a minute during the initial assessment! A few months ago, I was terrified of doing burpees because of my positional vertigo, but my physical therapy helped a ton.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Sweats: Back in business

I think I'm going to start these posts up again. They really helped me reflect on the work I did and motivated me for a new week. And since I'm starting Xtreme Revolution tomorrow, I figured it's a good time to get back at it.

This photo is from last year's Xtreme Revolution.

Xtreme Revolution is an eight-week program hosted by the wellness team at my office. They offer intense workouts as well as education on nutrition and overall health.

This is my fourth round of the program. It's always a great time of workouts, and I enjoy the feeling of camaraderie with co-workers as we cheer each other on and commiserate about soreness. This year, I've been selected as a co-captain of a team! I'm excited to get going. Sean is doing the program for the first time this year. Send your good vibes his way as I'm not sure he knows what to expect.


Since we're in a new year, I also thought I'd share my fitness goals for the new year. Much like my other goals, I'm going to focus on a few things at a time instead of trying to do too much at once. Here are the first two things I want to tackle.

:: PR my 5K. 
My current best time is 32:34. I got within 30 seconds of that not too long ago. I think I can get there this year.

:: Hold a 3-minute plank.
 I really want to get stronger in my core, as I think it will help me in a lot of areas (including running). Late in 2018, I did a plank challenge at work and held it for 1:45. The winner held it for just over 5 minutes. That's probably too ambitious for me, so I'll aim for 3 minutes for now.

If you have any fitness goals, share them in the comments!

Last week's workouts
Sunday: Off
Monday: Cardio with Colby (25 mins)
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Xtreme Cardio (25 mins)
Thursday: Cardio Barre with Brittany (25 mins)
Friday: Flex Friday (25 mins)
Saturday: 1-mile outdoor run (it was 55 degrees ... I had to get out!)

Victory of the week:  During Flex Friday, I increased my dumbbells from 5 lbs. and 8 lbs. to 8 lbs. and 10 lbs. My arms were definitely feeling it, but it was still manageable. I was pumped! I love the feeling of getting stronger.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Sweats: Running the Bulldog Double

The Drake Relays are a grand running tradition in Iowa. They're even a bit of a big deal nationally -- if you're into the whole track and field thing. The week always starts with road races. I have volunteered at water stations in the past, but I decided to participate this year. I could not have picked a better year. The weather was perfect, and it was the 50th anniversary. Milestones are fun.

On Sunday, I did the 5K. I wasn't sure how my body would react to the early start time of 7:45 a.m. All of my runs so far this spring have been in the evening. Thankfully, my body didn't put up much protest. None, really. I felt good right out of the gate. OK, so I was a bit annoyed at having to dodge the walkers (kudos to them for participating, but I wish they'd make sure they were behind people who want to RUN the race).

I usually start out slow, but I tried to push myself a little in the first mile this time. It worked and I settled into a nice pace. Somewhere in the middle of mile two, I realized I might be pushing too hard -- I wanted to save some for the last stretch on the famous blue oval -- so I slowed a bit. There were familiar faces all along the race course, which definitely helped keep me motivated. Once I hit the blue track, I started really legging it out, giving everything I had left. The result was a very nice time.

Not a PR, but definitely a time that made me happy.

Two days later, I ran the Grand Blue Mile, which is a newer Drake Relays tradition. It's just what it sounds like -- a mile-long race. This one is in downtown Des Moines, so parking was a bit of a headache, but thankfully I left myself enough time to get down there. I arrived at the grounds around 5:45 p.m. It took me a bit to find the start line, but eventually I did.

When we started lining up, I went to the middle of the pack per usual. The race announcer advised walkers to go towards the back, but naturally, most didn't listen to this. I had seven people in jeans in front of me. Sigh. Seriously, this is one of my race pet peeves. I'm still working on getting over it because obviously it's never going to change.

The gun sounded and we were off. Since this was only a mile, I decided to really go all out, empty the tank, so to speak. Navigating around the walkers hindered my progress a bit, but I still finished faster than my goal. My official time was 9:28.97. I'm pretty sure my smile says it all.

By finishing both races, I received a special Bulldog Double medal to go with my 5K medal.

It's safe to say my race season is off to a good start. I might get that PR this year!!!


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Drake Relays Road Races 5K
Monday - FitFusion (60 mins)
Tuesday - Total Body Strength (30 mins) + Grand Blue Mile
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - 4-mile outdoor run
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

I forced myself to take Wednesday off. It was not easy as I don't like to break routine, but I definitely needed it. I try to remind myself that rest is good for the body too.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Sweats: March 2018 recap

March goals:
- Continue with regular classes after Xtreme.
I definitely did this. I haven't missed many days.

- Get in some running.
I'm pretty sure I only ran three times in the month of March, and only once was that running not part of another workout. I'll take it though.

I logged a two-mile run during my lunch break on March 15.
Number of days I worked out: 20

Miles Ran: 2

Personal victory: A friend grabbed my arm and said, "whoa! I can tell you've been working out." It sounds cheesy, but it was a real and genuine moment. And I was super proud.


April goals:
- Run at least twice each week.

- 'Power down' earlier on weeknights. Put phone/book away by 9:30.


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Independent strength circuit workout + 1 mile on the treadmill (45 mins)
Tuesday - 2 miles on the treadmill (21:36)
Wednesday - FitFusion (60 mins)
Thursday - Barre with Britt (30 mins) + 2 miles outside (21:52)
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday Sweats: Overcoming Xtreme disappointment

Xtreme Revolution is over. 

On Monday, we had our last workout. An email last week promised an easy one, but it certainly wasn't that light. It wasn't the toughest of the eight weeks, but it was no picnic.

On Tuesday, we did assessments, in which we did as many of each of the following things in a minute -- push-ups, sit-ups, x jumps, burpees, jump rope. Then we compared our numbers to the pre-Xtreme numbers. I lost my sheet from the start of Xtreme, so I have no idea if I actually improved. Admittedly, I wasn't feeling great the morning of assessments.  I had a massive headache which made jumping and sitting up quickly painful.

On Wednesday, we did our post-Xtreme measurements. I went in feeling like I probably made some progress but probably wouldn't have the huge results I had last year (I lost seven inches). I was wrong. And not in a good way. I went down one pound, lost half an inch in my hips, and a quarter inch in my thigh. But every other number went up, including my body fat percentage, my bicep, my waist ... EVERYTHING. I was so frustrated. I had worked hard for eight weeks, pushing myself through tough workouts and sometimes even doubling up. I wasn't perfect with my eating habits, but I didn't indulge too often. I pouted over the numbers for the rest of the day, skipping my planned afternoon workout and instead throwing myself a pity party.

On Thursday, I decided it was time to rebound. 

The workout I created for myself on Thursday.

Post-workout stats.

I decided I wasn't going to let bad numbers define me or stop me. I don't work out for the numbers on the scale or the measuring tape. I work out to challenge myself and get stronger, which I undoubtedly have. That workout above? I never would have attempted that on my own a year ago. Probably not even six months ago. The numbers may not show it, but I am definitely more fit than I was eight weeks ago, and I plan to continue that journey. 

Post-workout sweaty selfie.


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Tuesday - Xtreme Assessments + Workout (30 mins)
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Cardio & Strength Circuit (40 mins)
Friday -Say HI (high impact) to the weekend (30 mins) + Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday Sweats: Halfway through Xtreme

Last Monday, we officially passed the halfway mark in the Xtreme Revolution program happening at my office. It's hard to believe we're four weeks in already. I'm really enjoying the classes and my workout buddies.

Photo taken at the end of the first week of classes. This is the 6:15 a.m. crew. Most of them are still hanging in there, but we've lost a few along the way.

To "celebrate" the halfway milestone, our trainers had us do a special workout called a mini-Murph. Here's what it entails:

1/2 mile jog/run
100 weighted squats
75 bicep curls
50 pushups
25 x jumps
1/2 mile jog/run

You must do it in exactly that order.

It's an adaptation of a CrossFit workout. Looking at the full Murph makes me want to vomit.

Anyway, we were told to check our time when we got through it (mine was 21:53). We'll do it again at the end of the program to see if we've improved.

Obviously, that didn't take up the whole class for me (or most of the others), so we were told to go back to the squats and continue through the workout. I ended up doing 200 weighted squats and 150 bicep curls. My quads have still not forgiven me.

The mini-Murph is definitely the toughest workout we've done so far, but there have been a few others that made me sore too. And as much as I complain about it, I secretly love it. I love knowing I've challenged my body and -- honestly -- my mind (because so much of it is mental). I love seeing what I can really do.

I haven't broken out the scale or measuring tape because I want to wait until the end to see the full effect, but I definitely feel like I'm getting leaner and stronger. 


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Tuesday - Xtreme Burn (30 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Tabata Abs (30 mins)
Thursday - Xtreme WOD Strength (30 mins)
Friday - Xtreme Wild Card Cardio (30 mins)
Saturday - Off


If you set any goals or started a new fitness initiative for the new year, how it going?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sunday Sweats: Xtreme is here again

Xtreme Revolution is back!!!

Xtreme Revolution is an eight-week fitness program offered at my office. It includes intense workouts and nutritional guidance. This will be my third year participating, and I am really excited about it.

This photo was taken during last year's Xtreme Revolution session. The camaraderie and motivation are awesome.

The program starts tomorrow. We kick off by getting weighed and measured, and then we have a presentation about nutrition.

Workouts begin on Tuesday. Here's how each week of the program will look:

There are six class times each day -- 6:15 a.m., 6:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 4:45 p.m. Each class is 30 minutes.

This year, we don't have to sign up for a specific time slot or go at the same time every day. Not that they ever really held anyone to that in the past. I'm going to be aiming to do the 6:15 class and one of the noon ones. Yep, I'm going to attempt two-a-days. I'm slightly concerned that the 6:15 class will be really full and then I'll have to wait for a shower, which won't really work since I need to be at my desk at 7 a.m. I have made it just fine for past 6:15 a.m. workouts, but those classes have been small. But ... I'm going to try the morning class and see if I can make it. If not, I'll do noon and afternoon (unless I have to work at my other job after work). If two classes a day get to be too repetitive for me, I think I'll try and complement the day's workout with solo effort -- running or doing my own bit of strength training, whichever is the opposite of the class focus that day. Either way, I really want to hit it hard these next eight weeks.

There are more than 200 people signed up this year, and we're divided into divisions and teams. I'm in Colby's Division on Team Cream of the Crop. My team captain has already reached out with a motivational email.  Here's how we'll earn points for our team:

I'm ready to get started and am looking forward to challenging myself over the next eight weeks. Wish me luck!


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Off
Tuesday - Strength with a little cardio (35 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Thursday - Barre with Britt (30 mins)
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Circuit workout with Sean (35 mins)

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Sunday Sweats: 2017 victories and goals for 2018

I learned so much about my health and fitness this year. I have two excellent trainers at my office, and I've been motivated by some of my Instagram and blog follows. I've challenged myself and succeeded more often than not. I may not have seen the scale move much (except to just bounce back and forth), but I definitely feel like I made progress in becoming healthier and fitter.

Now, let's look at my goals for the past year.

These were my fitness goals for 2017:

> Do more yoga.
I did yoga almost daily last January. I think it was a bit much. I still haven't fallen in love with yoga even though I know it would be so good for my body and my mind. I'll keep trying.

> Conquer push-ups.
My goal was to do 37 on my toes. I don't know if I got there (and I'm not going to drop and do them at this moment). But I did do 20 on my toes at one point earlier this year. And just the other day, I did 100 (in segments of 20) on my knees.

> Join or find a running group.
I tried to start a running group with people from my Facebook friends list. But it didn't go well. I only had one actual running meet-up. After that, nothing. However, I did find a group of women at work to run with every Wednesday. So I'm calling this a victory.

That's not too bad on the goals.

Beginning of 2017:

End of 2017:

Do the photos show the progress I feel? I'm not sure, but ... that's OK. I still feel it and that's a win for me.

Here are my fitness goals for 2018:

> Do at least one new race.
I've done so many local races, but there are still more I want to try. I need to choose one and do it.

> Take on monthly fitness challenges.
There are a ton on Pinterest -- planks, squats, etc. I want to get stronger and adding one little element to my regular routine will definitely help.

> Be kinder to myself.
I know this one will be hard to measure, but I really need to enforce it. I need to stop being so hard on myself if I decide to take a rest day or indulge in some poor food choices or if I'm not as fast as I want to be. I also need to stop comparing my fitness journey or workout to those around me. I also need to just take general good care of myself -- meditation, eating well, getting plenty of rest, etc.

What are your fitness goals for the new year?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Sunday Sweats: Hide the scale

 One of the women I with whom I work out told me she's gained eight pounds in the last few months.

Another woman in my office told me she gained three pounds over Thanksgiving weekend.

They both seemed so defeated and miserable as they said it. And the first one has been forcing herself onto the treadmill in the evenings (in addition to our regular workouts).

I used to be just like them. I would get on the scale weekly (sometimes, shamefully, more frequently). It occasionally gave me joy, when the number would dip a little. But more often than not, it just made me feel bad about myself. It made me suddenly second guess everything I'd eaten that week and any workout I skipped or "went easy" on. I decided at some point that I didn't need that kind of self-hatred and instead find a way to love myself. The scale was counterproductive to that. So I stopped weighing myself.

I don't know exactly how long I went without getting on the scale, but I finally had to at the doctor a few weeks ago. The number was about the same as it was a year ago. But I KNOW I'm in better shape than I was a year ago. How do I know? Well, I can do more push-ups and sit-ups. I'm even able to get through several of the hated burpees before I get tired. I feel better in my clothing and I don't find a lot to hate when I look at myself in the mirror (with or without clothes).

That is my progress meter.

I have spent a lot of years hating my body and trying to change it to conform to some number on the scale. Sure, I'm still not exactly where I want to be, but I've decided I'm more successful when I celebrate and take care of my body. So that's what I'm working on, and trust me, it's a constant battle, especially with voices around me talking about their war with the scale and their own body issues. And there are days I'm curious about my weight, to see if I've made any progress, but I remind myself that progress for me isn't and shouldn't be measured in pounds.

These Ed Sheeran lyrics are spot on.


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Monday Morning Madness (30 mins)
Tuesday - Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Rested (I was not feeling well, so I skipped all workouts)
Thursday - RIPPED (30 mins)
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sunday Sweats: October fitness recap

September goals:
- Run 10 times.
I only made it to eight.

- Go to RIPPED class three times.
I didn't go at all. Ugh.
Number of days I worked out: 18 

Miles Ran: I forgot to track it. Oops.

Personal victory: I'm sure I had one, but I can't think of it right now.


November goals:
- Run six times.
I'm setting the goal low since I've been out the start of the month because of my foot.

- Meditate four times.
I've been feeling kind of stressed and overwhelmed lately. I need to find some time to shut everything out. Anyone have any tips?


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Cardio with Colby (30 mins)
Tuesday -Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Xtreme Cardio (30 mins)
Thursday - Off
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

After a week off because of my foot, I'm back to working out. I decided to start slow and go easy on my foot.  I plan to start doubling up again soon.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Sweats: My worst critic

You shouldn't have eaten that.

You should have done a second workout today.

You should have gone for a run today.

You shouldn't have taken the day off from working out.

These are all things I've heard in my mind in the last few weeks. And, if I'm being honest, some of them have been heard the last few years.

As I work toward a better me, I find I'm my own worst critic. I beat myself up if I don't eat right enough of the time. I feel guilty if I skip a workout or two. I feel like I'm letting people down when I do that. The truth is, the only person I'm letting down is myself. But that still feels terrible.

My life has been crazy the past few weeks, so I didn't work out as much as I had planned. Instead, I took a few hours for myself -- to read, sit and watch TV, or catch up on blogs. I struggled with this. I would second guess my decision for hours leading up to the me time and even beyond. I know part of me needed those breaks. Why does it make me feel guilty?

How can I turn off this voice? How can I tell myself that a few missed workouts will not break me? I need to stay disciplined in my workouts ... but can I do that without being hard on myself?

I guess that's something I need to keep working on.


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Cardio with Colby (30 mins)
Tuesday -Total Body Strength (30 mins)
Wednesday - Group run (35 mins)
Thursday - One-mile run + exercises at home (45 mins)
Friday - Off (Noon fitness class was cancelled and I was disappointed and unmotivated to do my own workout.)
Saturday - Off

Kind of a slacker week.  Oops. See ... that's what I mean about criticizing myself. Instead of acknowledging that I did four workouts this week, I can only see that I missed a few days and didn't do any double workout days. Sigh.

Also, to encourage my running, I'm joining Run, Eat, Repeat's Pile on the Miles Challenge which starts Nov. 1. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Sweats: Lean, mean protein

As I've mentioned before, I met with one of the wellness specialists at my office a few months ago to work on my food choices. I'm very active, but I knew my eating habits needed work. The biggest thing she pushed was more protein. She gave me a plan in which she wanted me to consume nine servings of protein (roughly 130 grams), four cups of vegetables, five servings of fat (of course, she prefers I consume healthy fats), and one serving of starch each day.

The problem is finding sources of protein I like that's portable and I won't grow tired of. Right now, I do a lot of eggs for breakfast (egg muffins and hard boiled eggs). For lunch, I do sliced turkey or chicken. But I don't mix it up much more than that. And I know I need to remedy that. Otherwise I'll get in a food rut and go back to bad habits.

Naturally, I decided to do a Google search for more sources of protein. 

There were lots of results, but I feel like WebMD is a pretty reputable one. I already knew about white meat poultry, eggs, and greek yogurt. But there were a two sources on the site that surprised me.

:: Seafood
I love seafood. And most kids of fish have more than 20 grams of protein per serving. This would be easy to incorporate into dinners at home (on the rare occasion it happens). I wish there was a way to make it more portable for lunches, but I refuse to be that person heating up fish in the office microwaves.

:: Pork tenderloin
I truly never imagined pork would contain protein. And because this is a very lean cut, it would be lower in fat as well. This would also make for good dinners and could reheat easily for lunch and be paired with a salad or vegetable.

Next, I looked at People who are building muscle are definitely going to be all about the protein. I found a few other suggestions.

:: Cottage cheese
There are 14 grams of protein per 1/2 cup. That's a lot of protein. This is another food that could be breakfast or lunch on the go.

:: Steak
Top or bottom round has 23 grams of protein in a 3 oz serving. That's a lot!! I could easily make a steak salad with some avocado and other vegetables to get that fat and those veggies filled in. Yum!

:: Beef jerky
13 grams in a 1 oz serving. This would be an excellent snack at my desk or during a road trip. A lot healthier than what I'd usually choose, that's for sure.

So are there any non-meat sources? Of course. Eat This, Not That has a good list of other protein sources for weight loss. They're not as high, but they would definitely work.

:: Spinach
5 grams per cup.

:: Sun dried tomatoes
6 grams per cup.

:: Artichokes
4.2 grams per item

:: Peas
8 grams per cup

:: Lentils 
18 grams per cup

Of course, there's always peanut butter and good old protein powder. I really do need to start making more smoothies and protein shakes. The other day Ricci posted an excellent peanut butter cup shake recipe. I really need to do more of those. 

What's your favorite protein source or protein-rich meal?


Last week's workouts
Sunday - Off
Monday - Cardio with Colby (30 mins)
Tuesday -Total Body Strength (30 mins) + Run (35 mins)
Wednesday - Group run/walk (30 mins)
Thursday -Barre with Britt (30 mins)
Friday - Flex Friday (30 mins)
Saturday - Off

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