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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WLJ: Ignoring the scale

I skipped the scale this morning.

I know, I know.  That's not exactly conducive to being accountable and persistent in my goal, but I decided it was best for me this week.  I know the number was not going to be good.  I spent the weekend with friends and indulged in some good foods.  I am also dealing with a few other issues I won't go into on here because, trust me, you don't want to hear them.

So, I'm bypassing the scale this week but focusing on what Weight Watchers likes to call "non-scale victories" (NSVs).  Outside of my indulgent eating, I really had a good week.  I am getting better about drinking water, and I actually remembered to take my multivitamin every day last week.  (I'm adding some more vitamins this week.)  I did two of my regular workouts and then tried Zumba with my friends in Minneapolis.  It was fantastic, and I could definitely see myself doing Zumba on a regular basis, whether it's a class, a DVD or a Wii game.  I'm exploring all of those possibilities.

I still have some areas to improve on though.  I really need to regulate my sleep patterns.  That won't be possible this week with Relay For Life on Friday (read:  I'll be up all night), but it's definitely something I'm going to focus on in the coming weeks.  I also decided to set an activity points goal to make sure I'm doing my workouts each week.  I'm setting it at 12 right now, but if I find myself consistently reaching it (I hope!), I will raise it.

The important thing is that I don't give up when I'm having a bad week or a bad day.  This is a journey, and there are going to be bumps in the road, but if I keep at it, I will eventually get where I want to be.

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