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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WLJ: I get by with a little help from my friends

My friend, Jaci, who is sort of my inspiration for this journey, commented on my post last week in which I asked for help in fighting a plateau.  Her suggestion did not make me smile, but it was information I needed to know.  Apparently, with PCOS, I should only be eating 200-225 grams of carbs per day. After I read Jaci's comment, I did a search for some more information on the link between PCOS and carbs.  Sounds like she's right.


I'm fully on board with being a WW, but now I have to be a carb watcher too? This does not make me happy. Bread makes me happy. Sweet things make me happy. I don't want to stop eating these things. Let's face it -- I can't give up all carbs completely.  I don't like the idea of cutting back either, but if it's truly the answer to reaching my goal and helping ease or eliminate some of the symptoms of PCOS, then I will give it my best.

I don't know why I never drew direct parallels between my PCOS and weight gain.  Well, I knew they were related, but I didn't know there was a way to battle both of them.  

Luckily, I know someone else who has made changes in her diet because of PCOS too.  Caroline has moved to a gluten- and dairy-free diet and dropped 20 lbs. in five weeks.  She said it hasn't been all that hard (although she really misses cheese), and she feels better.  I probably won't be doing exactly what she's doing, but I'm definitely going to give it a try. I've already ordered a book Caroline recommended -- The Insulin-Resistance Diet.  I read the first chapter last night, and it sounds completely doable, although it's going to require me to be a bit more organized when it comes to meals.  Not a bad thing, just an adjustment.  I'll keep you posted on what happens.

Again, I'm always open to advice, recommendations and suggestions.  This is ultimately my journey, but I'm not too stubborn to ask for directions.

I gained a little again this week.  Am I disappointed?  Yes.  Do I have a right to be?  No.  I indulged quite a bit during my pre-birthday weekend, so I'm not too surprised to see the number go up.  It sure isn't fun to post those plus numbers though.  Hopefully the minuses will be back soon.

Weight-loss goal: 40 lbs.
This week's progress: +0.6
Progress to date: -5 lbs.
Non-scale victory:  I have not had any form of soda -- diet or otherwise -- in a week.

1 comment:

  1. My weight loss is sort of motivated by the fact that my doctor pretty much said to me, "Jaci, if you want to have kids, you have to lose weight and the best way for you to do it with PCOS is to control your carbs." So, I did. WW helps me keep my portions under control, but as you can see from last Saturday's post, when I eat too many sweets and breads and such, I gain and I gain quickly. I don't know if I could do the vegan thing though, I was a vegetarian for years and kept getting anemia. Props to Caroline for making so many positive and healthy changes!


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