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Saturday, May 4, 2013

WLJ: Looking back and moving forward

Last week's post was such a downer.  I let my frustrations over my slowed progress (along with a lot of other disappointments in my life) come out.

A few days ago, a group I'm in asked us to post a then/now photo to show the progress we've made in our weight-loss journey.

This is what I shared:

Sometimes it's better to look at how far you've come instead of how far you have left to go.

So what if I'm not to my goal weight/size yet?

I'm a lot closer than I was a year ago ... and definitely two years ago.

I'm a much healthier and happier version of myself.

And I've discovered a lot of new things I love.

I may not be there yet, but you better believe I'm not going to quit until I am.

Total weight-loss goal: 45 lbs.
This week's progress: -.6 lbs.
Progress to date: -28.6 lbs.
Non-scale victory: I ran 4.4 miles at last week's 5K.  I know, I know.  A 5K is 3.1 miles.  There was a mix-up with the route, and before I knew it, I was done with 4.4 miles.  I'm starting to think a 10K is in my future!!

Speaking of running, I'm always looking to improve my workout playlist. You too?
Then check out this awesome swap and link-up!

Jelly of my Jams CD Swap


  1. Look at you, you look great! I think you do need to focus on how far you've come, you're doing awesome!

  2. SOOOO impressive! wow, 28 lbs. is no easy feat. good for you :)))

    come enter this giveaway i am hosting from rendi! they're a sweet new charitable decor company :)


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