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Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Letters


Dear Cyclones,
I hope you are more ready for tomorrow's game than you were for the season opener. I have been looking forward to Saturdays at Jack Trice Stadium for months.  I'll finally get there tomorrow.  Not inside, but close enough.  Pleas make it a joyous day!

Dear Mother Nature,
You can help out with tomorrow too.  We need the rain, but can you hold off until late night?  That would be awesome.

Dear co-workers,
I have really liked getting to know more of you now that I'm not on an island with my work BFF. I still see her plenty during the day, so don't worry about that.  But a lot of you are very interesting and fun people.  That makes my work days so much better.

Dear manager,
Sometimes you're a smart ass. But most of the time you're just awesome. The other day started out pretty rough, but then you and I had a good chat.  You seemed to know exactly what to say to pep me up.  I feel much better about what I'm doing and my employment future, which is not something I've been able to say in a while.

Dear Texas Rangers,
You are making me so sad lately.  It's a lot like last September, actually.  And I really didn't need to go through that again.  Please find the win column again.  Soon.

Dear dating,
I have such a love-hate relationship with you.  There are some real flakes out there -- among other undesirables.  But between a set-up from a good friend and some decent online leads, I think we'll be getting along well for the near future.

Dear wine,
Please meet me tonight. Thanks.

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