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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My Favorite Things: Fall Edition

A lot of people love summer. There are those who prefer spring. And there are even a few who enjoy winter. But autumn is probably my favorite time of year because of all the things below.

Honeycrisp apples
These apples are apparently available year-round, but they're cheapest and the tastiest during this season. I buy them on every trip to the grocery store.

Hot cider
While most people are waiting in long lines for pumpkin spice lattes, I'll be over here with my hot cider. That reminds me that I need to head to Trader Joe's for the product listed above. It's the tastiest I've found.

Bath & Body Works candles
My favorite scents are Leaves and Pumpkin Pecan Waffles. Sweater Weather is also a winner, but I tend to save that one for winter. What are your favorites?

Changing leaves
Last year, a friend and I went on a road trip to the eastern part of the state where the colors are typically more vibrant. We won't get to do that this year, but I'll still be on the lookout for nature's colorful display.

Postseason baseball
My boys have been out of the race for a week now (at least they were in it?), but I still enjoy the drama of October games. Every pitch, hit, and catch matters. There's heartbreak and exhilaration -- sometimes by the same fan base within a matter of minutes or hours. As far as this year's World Series, there are people I adore in the Cubs and Indians fan bases, and I'm having a hard time picking sides. I am just hoping for a good series that goes at least six games.

College football
You already know I'm a Cyclone fan, but I really just love all college football. I have a casual interest in the NFL (the Chiefs are my team), but I'm far more invested in Saturday games than those on Sunday. One of the things I miss most about having TV service is lounging on the couch all day, switching between random games. 

What are your favorite things about fall?


  1. My mother messaged me today that it was her favorite time of year because she gets to watch the World Series and football. :)

  2. I thought you always posted about the packers? Did someone get traded?


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