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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Stuff & Things 12/15

:: I love the safe driving messages on the DOT billboards. Sometimes they're lame. Sometimes they're really clever. This one from the other day amused me quite a bit.

:: My boyfriend's brother is an actor and was recently cast in his first show. He'll be touring the country for five months performing in "42nd Street." We'll be going to one of his performances in February, and I can't wait. Check out the tour dates and go out to see it if you get a chance.

:: Sometimes it's really hard to make plans with friends, but I'll keep trying when it's people I really want to see.

:: At my Barley's Angels Christmas party, I got to decorate sugar cookies. They look like a kid did them. I'm just not very patient or artistic.

What's up with you this week?


  1. I laughed out loud at that billboard, so clever and so hilarious. I haven't watched Christmas Vacation yet this season but I always make sure to fit it in at least once!

  2. Are those the ugly sweater cookies from Target? I saw them at a white elephant the other day. Yours turned out well!

  3. Hah! That comic with the friends is hilarious - but so true sometimes. That's awesome your boyfriend's brother is in his first show! How exciting!



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