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Thursday, January 30, 2014

2014 goals and new things -- checking in

On Jan. 1, I announced the things I wanted to do in the new year.  They're not resolutions -- just plans.  We're one month into 2014, so I thought we should check in and see how I'm doing.

2014 GOALS

1.  Complete eight races. -- I haven't officially signed up for any yet, but it'll happen.
2Read 45 books. -- I have not been good about this one at all. Barely halfway through the first book. Better get moving.
3.  Pay off all of my credit and store cards. -- I'm paying off one next week. One down, three to go. I can do this.

4.  Send out four handwritten notes or surprises each month. -- Sent four notes out this morning.  Still counts, right? By the way, if you want to help me out, give me your address here.


1. Take a spin class. -- Haven't done this yet. But I did try kickboxing. So that's fun!

2. Complete a 10K and a half-marathon. -- These won't happen until later in the year.

3. Join two organizations or committees. -- Check and check.  Stay tuned for more details on these!

How are you doing on your 2014 goals/resolutions/changes?


  1. You're doing pretty well! I love your hand written note idea.

  2. I'm 4 books in, so I'm proud of the progress I've got going there. I tried a RPM class (the Les Mills version of spin) and it's actually kinda different from regular spin. Since you already do bodypump, you should try RPM and regular spin if you want to get the whole picture of cycling classes.


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