Work out 16 days a month. Grade = C
I worked out but I wasn't as diligent as I should have been.
Strength training once a week. Grade = D
I've fallen out of the BodyPump routine. And I just put my gym membership on hold (more on that soon). So I'll have to find another way to get strength workouts in.
Track my food each day. Grade = C
Meh. Some days I just don't feel like it.
12 Races in 2016 update:
For the second year in a row, I did the DSM Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving!
Last week's workouts
Friday: OffSaturday: Off
Sunday: 10-minutes on the treadmill + 20 minutes of arms, chest, and shoulders
Monday: 2-mile run
Tuesday: Barre class
Wednesday: Yoga
Thursday: Off
Much better week, right?
And then there was this ...
Yes, it's better than 0, AND it's over half of the miles you were shooting for! I've found that there is something to be said about balance. This is a busy time of year, and while it's probably best not to overindulge, it's ok to not track your food because you have a fun event to attend! I think that as long as you are making an effort overall to get workouts in when you can and eat as good as you can between festivities, that's totally ok! :) Congrats on hitting your goal of doing a race every month this year! (I know that's not in this post, but I saw it on Instagram!)